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Vegeta, what does the Patreon scanner say about our monthly pledges? It's over two thousaaaand! Holy cow, $2,000! You guys are incredible. I'm honestly honoured by your support! Pledges tend to fluctuate, but if the pay period sticks with this milestone, I will post 8 pages next month - which will wrap up the Moving Day comic! And remember that whenever you get your rewards after the payment period, you get all prior pages of the comic in addition to whatever I did that month :3 Thank you guys so much, this is so amazing. You're incredible! EDIT: Annnd as soon as I say that, it drops beneath $2K. Ha! Well, here's hoping it jumps up again by the pay period.



Nice pun there Kad lol. Congrats -waits to see one of your characters with a scanner reading 2000- hahaha


CONGO-RATS, KAD! Once again for like, the bagliionsins time.. It could not have happened to a nicer fella. &lt;3 This calls for a sexy party~! <a href="http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs11/i/2006/211/8/c/Party_Giraffe_by_muShySoup.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs11/i/2006/211/8/c/Party_Giraffe_by_muShySoup.jpg</a>


It's great to see a talented artist get some recognition and respect. Not to mention, it means we will be able to continue to enjoy your great artwork!


Well done! You deserve it :3

Shadow Drake

Haha well done there big guy... lets hope it builds up n stays up like that ^_^