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One thing I really want to do in the future (probably when SASA wraps up) is a series of Nightshade short stories detailing her history as a dominatrix. Basically an origin story. Here's a tease of what to expect ;P

Alternate version attached, and more lighting variants will be available in the rewards pack.

Highres, WIP and PSD files will be available as part of this month's patreon rewards, depending on your reward tier!



Big Tony

I have been waiting for this post, and moment YES! YES! YES! YES! I still have the version of this from a while back as my phone wallpaper!

Cobalt Phoenix 81

I'm all for, but only with the following conditions: 1.) She can't have a family member gunned down in front of her; 2.) At no time can "with great power comes great responsibility" be used; 3.) We don't see her building her suit or discovering her abilities. All of those are too played out now a days.


Nice angle. Love the "barely worth wearing" panties.


Well you didn't say she couldn't wrestle Macho Man (er, Bonesaw), so... surprise! XP

Alexey Belovolsky

I will say that this is just a great idea! Surely, many people would like to know more about your most famous characters.))


Mmmm, getting to see Night in her element is always worth it~ She always puts on the best shows


@_@ I was lucky I checked my emails which led me here. My home page is down for maintenance for some reason Oo EDIT: fixed now. That was weird.


Ooh you know how I feel about this. X3 Looking forward to it bud!

Myos Niragawa

I really want to discover the origins of Nightshade! The one that inspired me the personality of my domineering squirrel. <3 Must I sign or serve Nightshade for life?


I've never wanted anything more in my life before +__+!!


Oooh @.@. The boobsquish and lighting effects look amazing!


Thanks! It was tricky. Wasn't sure if it'd look right. The alternate files will have even more lighting effects *o*


Yeah, I was considering making this part of the main Londoners comic, but I think since it'll go in-depth on bdsm elements, I figured it'd be its own thing X3


Is plans for alternate cover art with Nightshade minus her panties.


Oh I don't even know if this will be the cover. More of a teaser for the future. And naw, this is the only version of this pic planned.