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Hello everyone! Let's look at what we have in store for April. Also, happy Easter! And no, none of this is an April Fools prank XD

Share and Share Alike: Part 3

Two words: Puzzle paizuri.

The Pleasure Principle: Part 2

Olivia continues to get a paddlin' (minus the paddle). Something tells me discipline does the opposite of what's intended for her >.>

A Night of Special Training

Sadly, this set is on hiatus until May while I wait for the commissioner to continue.

Misplaced Virtues

If you haven't already, check out http://oliviacomic.com/ to see the updated and free version of Misplaced Virtues. Remember that highres pages will be included with patreon rewards packs each month!

This month will be special as we will see the 'new' Epilogue! I will be shifting the schedule to one page a week, updating on Wednesdays, as there's only 4 pages left.

Patreon Discord

A reminder that if you want to join the Patreon Discord, you have to click the link that you were given when you joined the Patreon. If you have trouble finding it, the Patreon FAQ should help.


Rewards bundle links will be posted by the 5th, as will the next Ask Puz n Pals questionnaire. Be sure to download last month's rewards packs if you haven't yet - they're in the main feed, just look up the Rewards tag.

Thank you so much for your support!




Awesome, thanks, Kad! And that hint about Puzzle @___@ Happy Easter too!


Me: Reads this. Me: Googles "Paizuri" Me: Now has that in his search history. XD I learned a new word today, thanks. :D