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Here's page 9! Again, I'm censoring these pages on the activity feed to cut down on pledge-and-runners. You will still receive the uncensored pages at the end of the month once payments process, but this lets you see what's going on with the story :3 Uncensored and highres pages will be sent out after the next pay period, depending on your pledge tier!




Hehehe~ Knickers. I forgot on how much I loved Diamonds accent and grammar usage. Plus, it is true.. Cold water does kind of mess up all kinds of things. x3 Just precious Kadath! <3 Doing great! :3


Puzzle is super cute in this comic page, nicely done with her expressions Kadath you're really kicking butt with this comic.


Heh, Di really does know how to play with Puzzle it seems.


I'm sure they'd heat the water up on their own soon enough. :D


Okay, I'm a little disappointed in you... patreon was never meant to be a quick-and-easy way to set up your own paysite. It obviously does work for that, and I've gotten used to it to a degree - but the more a given creator tries to treat it that way, the less inclined I am to support them. I'm not pulling out over this or anything, but... if it hits a point where I've got to cut back on donations, I'm saddened to say you've moved a few notches up the list.


Please explain to me how I've pushed this to being a paysite? I've tried as hard as I can to NOT make it that way. My pinups and some sketches will get posted publicly after a month or so delay. I plan on offering older content as bundles on my store. The comic, when it's done, will also appear on my store. If I released the content publicly the same day I did on Patreon, there would be no incentive to pledge. Moving Day would not be happening right now if I didn't have Patreon. I haven't had time to work on a comic since Jan/Feb of last year. I'm self-employed, my art is my living, and commissions have made up the bulk of my income. Patreon is allowing me to focus on comics again because I don't have to do as many commissions to make ends meet. If you're upset about the censoring, understand that I did it begrudgingly. I even stated so in my earlier pages. I censor the comic pages and pinups on the activity feed because I would consistently have a group of people pledge and then cancel an hour or so later whenever I uploaded content. They're called pledge and runners, and they abuse the system. In some cases, I would reach milestones and then go under them several times within minutes. Imagine how frustrating that is - seeing the direct result of piracy in your face like that. Patreon doesn't have the proper safeguards against things like that, so I censored the activity feed pages, and pledge and running ground to a halt. Paying patrons still get the same content, including earlier comic pages, they just have to wait until the end of the month to see it uncensored. I also have continuously asked my patrons if they feel they are getting their money's worth, what they'd like to see me do for more rewards, etc. They've consistently told me they're happy with the system as it is. Nevertheless, I still do votes and polls, patrons choose sketches they want to see coloured, I do private workstreams for both your tier and the Triple Shot Tier (it used to just be the latter, but I wanted to do more for the Double Shot Tier patrons). I'm constantly looking for ways to give you more for your money, and asking for feedback along the way. I'm sad to hear you think this is a disappointment to you, because I've honestly tried to make this as interactive and rewarding for parons as I can, and tried to avoid the whole 'paysite stigma' that some people have towards Patreon. I even make the content available elsewhere after a delay. I only censor content to curb piracy. You can call me a disappointment and call this a paysite if you want to, but you can't say I haven't clearly stated my mission statement on my front page or that I haven't tried to give as much value as I can to those who are pledging to me.