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January rewards have been sent out. Check your messages and there should be links to January's rewards, plus December's since I think there was confusion about how files were sent out last time around. About 10% of pledges have been declined, most probably due to credit card or bank issues. I've spoken with some of you and I know you're looking into it but I cannot send you rewards until you pay. Be sure to update your payment info and let patreon re-process it, and I will send you the rewards once your payment is complete.



I ended up paying for my end I just got the notice from my bank and all today, should be in your pocket by now :)


Yup, it says you're processed. Check your messages and you should've gotten the note already :3


Is there no way one might be able to get their hands on pictures/pinups they might've missed in earlier months, like a "limited time second chance pack" of some kind, or something like that? There are a couple of pinups I'd love to get my hands on, but sadly I was not able to pledge until just recently.


Well this month I included both packs. Check your patreon private messages and it should have links to both Dec and Jan's content. In the future, I don't plan on allowing access to all prior content, because that would be a disservice to those who paid for the prior content. I think I may look into 'second chance' packs on my webstore though, after a period of time.

tom barbour

Did my pledge come through in time, or did I miss the link?


Yup, you're good. Check your messages and it should be there. You also should've gotten an email from patreon with the link.


That's odd, no message reached me either here or on my e-mail, yet I know the payment went through.


Your pledge total is $1. If you look at the rewards listed on my main page, it says that $5 is the minimum pledge to receive artwork. $1 is a tip tier for people who don't really want rewards, but just want to toss a little support my way.