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Bearly, even!

The translation for her comment is roughly: 'Man it's cold!'




I'm sure she could warm us all up @_@

Hammer of Terra

So when’s Vera getting her own comic? :P

Patrick Bradley

Thick bear best bear! Also you missed out on the Bearly feel it chance Kad for shame :P


What's ironic is that Vera is the hottest mom despite being so dang cool :


I see what you did there 😂


What a gorgeous Mama Bear <3. Also, is it weird for me to think that she has, in my head, the same voice as Zarya from Overwatch? lol

Angel Eyes

Lucky you. I really like her.

Johnny Grimm

Hey kadath you said Vera was married right?


When I gave her the hair and the accent, I knew people would say that - but I honestly have never played Overwatch or even know much about it besides fan art X3

Johnny Grimm

Dose she lose her rings quiet often because I don't see one on her. Like in any of her pictures.

Johnny Grimm

-grabs you dramatically- Are a madman or is it possible your a bigger klutz than puzzle -stares at you- also nice new haircut


Maybe she just doesn’t want any ring to get in the way of people noticing her gorgeous nails.


Or maybe it's too cold for the ring. Hmm. Yes. We'll go with that XD

Johnny Grimm

Your playing with fire on thin ice my friend in the end you'll be swimming with the vodka.


Or she leaves it at home, working at a strip club and bring married could effect her tips. Single bartenders vs married bartenders you can imagine who gets bigger tips. ;) ;p

Johnny Grimm

Actually there have been many studies that show that marry people get hit on more than single people so if anything it might be better for her to wear her ring more often.


I will say more precisely- чувак тут весьма холодно ;3