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Page 6! Oh no, what is this? Censoring? D: Yeah, due to a lot of repeat pledge-and-run behaviour, I've decided to start censoring the pages. I can understand if this upsets some people, but I've seen enough pledge and runners here that I know I've lost several hundred dollars in dropped pledges. This isn't standard behaviour either, it's systematic when I upload comic pages. These people are abusing the system. I've reported these people to Patreon and they're investigating. So what does this mean? Well, Patreon won't let me edit the file to the previous page, so Di will remain deliciously exposed on that one, but from this picture forward, I'm going to test this method and see if it helps curb pirating. You will STILL get the UNCENSORED pages once payments process, and this way you can still see what's happening with the story, instead of me hoarding the pages until the end of the month. I'm sorry if this offends/upsets some pledgers and I welcome any thoughts on better ways to curb piracy on here. I don't want to censor these pages, but it's the only thing I can think of to cut down on the systematically abusive behaviour. Thank you for making this patreon a success so far and I hope you'll enjoy the comic pages as they get saucier :3 Uncensored and highres pages will be sent out after the next pay period, depending on your pledge tier!




An understandable precaution and not an uncommon one. We still get to see the delicious boobies, we just gotta be patient. None the less, this page looks delicious! Censor-P's or no. XD


I agree with Silva, lot of folks come here looking for all types of things related to art and other by pledging to support those who make it, which this whole site is about. Support! Nonetheless, I love how this page came out, (Just like in the last panel -snerks-) and looking forward to the continuation of it! Lots of stuff moving around as it were. :3 WOOT FOR KADATH!


Thanks! I noticed a drop of $50 in pledges since I posted it (went under the milestone too X_X). It might've been pledge-n-runners who bailed or maybe some pledgers were pissed about the censoring... dunno. But in the end, paying patrons get the uncensored pages, it's just going to be a little longer.


To be honest, what I like most about your work has nothing to do with genitals, it's the facial expressions and personality of your characters I enjoy, so I'm going to keep buying you coffee as long as I can.


You'll keep my pledge, for certain.


Yeah. I really do not like censoring stuff, but it's the best way I can think of to combat the pledge-n-runners. :(


Thank you! I know people really like my characters' expressiveness, so I want to try to keep the censoring as focused as possible so it won't obscure faces, text, etc. And yay, coffee! :B

Major Matt Mason

OK by me! Besides, it's only a couple days from now! :D

Shadow Drake

As they say... all good things come to those who wait. I see nothing wrong with you wanting to protect your stuff from those evil pirates n all.. in the end we still get to see all the good stuff when it comes down to it. Anyway this is just one evil way to tease us to stick around for the final results at the end of the month. So don't get disheartened.. we will still be here to enjoy it all and spur you onto more naughty n fun stuffs in the future ^_^


Aw man, this suuuuucks :C But I certainly can't blame you for trying to avoid getting scammed! Really low of people to pull that kind of thing.


True. Paying patrons get exactly the same stuff as before, but the activity feed will be censored for comics too, instead of just pinups like before. Thanks for sticking with me - I hope you'll enjoy the goodies when they get mailed out in a few days :D


That sucks kadath, im sorry! As alwats thanks for the awesome work ad dedication!