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Follow the trail in today's NSFW update!





Olivia would be easy to track :P


I will clean Olivia up and leave the clean up on aisle five to someone else. ;D

Cobalt Phoenix 81

Better get that team of gremlins ready, Kad. They have their work cut out for them.

Stoker Bramwell

Whatever their cleaning staff is paid it's not enough


Dude, I hope that doesn't stain or he's gunna have to do some very fast talking to his parents when they get home. O:


And now I have in my head this mental image of a pair of very posh, upper class parents coming home to find the dried trail of cream, and being very aloof about it. The mother would be like "Oh look, Dear, our son had another orgy while we were away." and the dad might be like "I hope they stayed off the piano, this time. It took weeks for the staff to clean between the ivory last time."