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I've been getting a lot of new patrons lately, and I'm curious what brought on the sudden increase. Tell me why you decided to join! There are probably multiple reasons, but please select the project that interested you the most when deciding to join the patreon.

I really am just curious to see what people are most interested in ;3



The art in general, I love the style


I like your art in general :D even from the beginning


You're just awesome.

Hammer of Terra

Joined for Moving Day, stayed for all the amazing art that came after!


Because i want to support you :)


I can finally subscribe to artists I admire!


All to be honest~<3 Moreover, you're a talented artist who is awesome and kind hearted, you explore the kinks I like and open me up to others~ Your characters backgrounds, stories and personalities are amazing, funny and creative~ Honestly, I see no reason why not to support you~! :3

Zhon Lord

Amazing artwork, great characters and personalities, and extremely positive stories overall, I look forward to your uploads every week!

Cobalt Phoenix 81

All of your work, including art, story lines, and characters. You really have a lot of talent.


I wanted to back your patreon for a long time and now I finally have a job to do so. I thank you for hardwork put your artwork Kadath. I also hope become a patreon for Kaylii as well in future.


Such a tough choice I couldn't make one. I saw a few of your comic works before I joined :) I love all of your stuff ^-^/


All of the above and then some. I simply fell in love with your artwork and stories and figured being a Patreon supporter was a good way to express that. :D


honestly im here cause i like your art ^.^


Puzzle is my waifu! She's the perfect combination of adorable and sexy.

Dragon Cobolt

I wanna say Nightshade...so...I will! NIGHTSHAAAAAAAAAADE!


Voting comedy option.


"Ignorance Is Bliss" saw it on another website made me look you up led me to DA and then Patreon.


where's the all of thee above? XD


I'm here because all of it <3


Well, I've been a fan of your artwork since 2012, Dangerous Bedroom Behavior and of course Casual Waggling, and ever sense then I've been more of a lurker perse to the fandom, never truly knowing what I wished to do with it. Then 3ish years ago I finally got into getting artwork and meeting and talking to artists both great and small and enjoying the heck out of it! But why you in general? Honestly you have a great sense in humor, both in lewd and silly formats. X3 You have an amazing and smooth style and you just seem like an all around great fella! I've been really hurting to try and get into your top tier again but hopefully someday I can slip back in. XD ( Mega big speech but jeez is it all true? Yes it is. <3 ) Keep on doing what you do Kad!


Uh, all of the above. Just here "for the sexy art"


I'm also here to support whatever you create.


I've been a fan of yours for awhile. I l have always loved your work and I can honestly say that Puzzle is hands down my favorite character. If all of your characters existed in our world it would be amazing to meet or even get to know them.

Garry Stahl

None of the above. I've liked your art and characters for years. I can only support so many and you are one.


You forgot "porn in general" or"my upcomming web comic"


I mean, I just think your art is sexy. But I guess I'll pick Puzzle because Puzzle is the cutest thing <3


Pretty much all of the above.

Robert (dark441)

All of it bit now mostly for krystal rawr


The promise of hot Ms. Ants porn.

Alexey Belovolsky

I would also add Londoners, it's very interesting to see how it all began.))


Im honestly here for Nightshade.


Another ‘none of the above’. I’ve been following your art for a few years and this is a way to say thanks.


I’m here for all of it :)

Richard Awesome

I came on board for Share and Share Alike. Everything else was a bonus for me.


Lol, I meant in 2017 XD But thank you for being there so long!


My ten gajillion uploads, lol! I sometimes worry I update too much ^^;


Thank you, I'm glad my characters have that kind of appeal ;3


I appreciate it! It's honestly been humbling seeing these kinds of responses ^_^


Just be sure to take a break from the bear hugs - they can be suffocating, haha :B


Hey it's my clone! J/k (I hope people don't get confused by our names lol)


Yeeeeeah someone has good taste in fox ladies, haha :B


I've thought of eventually making daki pillows or maybe life-sized cardboard standees of my characters. Would be close to having Puzzle in real life, in a way X3


Man, you go way back! Thank you for being there all this time. And I'm glad you get a kick out of my silly, lewd humour and art :B