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Hello everyone! Here's the update for December. Put on those ugly Christmas sweaters/jumpers, those cozy wool socks, and gather round the fire as we listen to Old Man Kadath tell you a bunch of smutty stories...

Share and Share Alike: Part 3

Puzzle and Sebastian are all giddy after their lovemaking session, but Di may be getting a bit fed up with being left out of the fun...

The Pleasure Principle: Part 2

We're back in the saddle for this series, so hang on tight! Olivia and Gabby are going to have to face Cam's wrath, but things are going to take a few unexpected turns soon.

My Nightly Tutor

This series concludes this month with the final two images. There will be another unrelated series starting up towards the end of the month, showing the rougher side of Nightshade :P

Misplaced Virtues

If you haven't already, check out http://oliviacomic.com/ to see the updated and free version of Misplaced Virtues. Remember that highres pages will be included with patreon rewards packs each month!

Patreon Discord

Remember I also have a patreon discord! I am trying to integrate it into the patreon system, but I'm not sure if I did it properly. Regardless, you can hang out and chat with myself and others here!


Rewards bundle links will be posted around the 5th, as will the next Ask Puz n Pals questionnaire. Be sure to download last month's rewards packs if you haven't yet - they're in the main feed, just look up the Rewards tag.

Thank you all for another wonderful month! I hope you'll enjoy the various on-going projects :3



James P

Looking forward to the share and share alike continuation


Yay! ^-^

Cobalt Phoenix 81

I'm wondering if we can increase Kad's monthly output by hooking him up to a dialysis/espresso machine hybrid...


Trying to turn me into Fry in that one episode of Futurama? :P