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Sketch for page 52! No, Di wasn't cut in half. I just didn't add the background until later.



Johnny Grimm

Pannel 1 : Di: alright you two go outside and make a sexually tense scene for the fans. Panel 2: Seb: you heard the lady lets get brain storming what should we do. Pannel 3: Puz: I have an idea I'm gonna act all cute amd innocent and blush a little. Sub: that sounds like a great start. Pannel 4: Seb: we should also stare deeply into each others eyes to show a romantic Connection for shipping purposes. Puz: that's a wonderful idea. Panel 5: Di: hey don't forget to work it and show off that dick Seb To raise sexual tension. pannel 5: Seb: that's right and lets top it off by puzzle staring at it lustfully. Panel 6: Puz: great idea. Panel 7: Seb: M-M-money shot!!!


It's about to get spicy @_@


And that's when the Slim Jims guy and Kool-Aid man both bust in


Puz's face in the bottom panel... <3