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Fourth of an 8-part commission series for Ghostbane, where he gets some special instruction from Nightshade.

Oh, there's a condomless version that will be included in the rewards pack.

Textless, highres and PSD files will be available as part of this month's patreon rewards, depending on your reward tier!




Night, it's his first time and you make him use a condom :p

Cobalt Phoenix 81

Really? She's letting him stop at anytime without a safe word?!


This guy is now living everyone's dream.


Given the apparent lack of cross-species breeding and STDs in the Londonersverse, I'm surprised condoms even *exist,* let alone that Nightshade's making him use one.


Safety first! Nightshade is making sure Josh is nice and secure behind the wheel. I'm really pleased with the way this came out. Your jackal has a great character range and I'm happy everyone gets to see more sides to the dom. Every installment brings me joy and I hope it brings more in everyone here as well


(I think) they're both dogs so I think it makes sense that she would want him to wear one


She mentions 'the word', so that's the implication. I imagine the safe word is Humuhumunukunukuapua`a :P


She doesn't want to get all rolly polly with puppies XD

Zhon Lord

Loving the view angles on this series.


It is nice to see Nightshade has a softer, fluffier side ^-^


Stop? Dam, who would want to stop with a woman like that on top of them? <3


Every time I see Nightshade, she is awesome at playing whatever role she needs~ It will be interesting to see her in her very intimate side where we get to see her real name :3


I finally settled on her real name (which is partly why I kept it under wraps for so long lol). If it's an Ask page topic, I won't hesitate to answer it X3