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Hello Single Shot Tier patrons! Below is the link for the August rewards pack. The link will be active until next month's rewards are sent out, so be sure to download the .zip file by then!

August 2017 Rewards Pack (Single Shot Tier)  

Thanks again for another wonderful month!




Huzzah! ^-^


Hello there ! I'm new around here,just found you on patreon.I'm a supporter but I can't reach the older folders affter 2017 July. Can I get some help ? I'm fore now just an 5$ supporter.


Hello, and thank you! Are you asking about older months' rewards packs? Because after 30 days I delete the links to the old packs. If you read the description above it says the link will be active until the next month's rewards are sent out. I sometimes leave the prior month's (in this case, July) up for a bit longer in case people forgot, but yeah, the links are only really meant to be active for a month.