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Di isn't taking losing to Nightshade very well :P




Now I feel bad not voting for her :(


Would pounce hug do her any good?


Awwwww! Gets on the other side of Di to make a "Di Sammich" with Puzzle! *wears Team Di" t-shirt*


Now I feel kinda bad


Hey, Shade might have won a popularity contest. But you. Have. Puzzle. YOU. HAVE. PUZZLE.


Nightshade is the reigning champ, but who will challenge her title?


Exactly! Actually, kinda funny how both contestants have a giraffe to support them XD


You were waiting for that one, weren't you?

Alexey Belovolsky

I feel, Diamond's already planning a terrible revenge.))

Patrick Bradley

Di now plans to stick pictures of her curvy zebra butt all around nights house haha


lol, poor Diamond :P

Stoker Bramwell

Awww it'll be okay Di. You'll still get plenty of love from Puzzle and Sebastian


Sorry, Di. Nightshade just has better curves. XD But, you're still the best show off. :D


Nightshade may be my fav, but Di's pose alone won me over in the vote.


Poor Diamond....you're still a gem in my eyes! (pun intended, don't let her read this... <.>


In the tradition of gamers, get better at genetics skrub.


Deal with it....- Nicholas Angel

James Brown

Olivia vs Nightshade next? Or Puzzle vs Nightshade? or or or.....Glitter vs Nightshade! ;D

Johnny Grimm

For me it will always be Di over nightshade, diamond will comeback, sassier, sexier, wet dreamier and sex symbol supreme becoming The Safari's #1 show girl from around the world. Its not over Nightshade, because Diamond is forever.


So adorable!

T.J. Young

Well, Di may be sulking, but at least she's taking it better than Nightshade if she lost. I imagine Pat would be hiding in a closet or something while she tore the apartment up or worse, she'd take out her frustration on him. Lucky him, he he :p


This was very fresh and letting people vote was fantastic! Id like to see more of voting :D

Zhon Lord

I can hear it now: "Pat! Where are you hiding!? If you don't come out right now and take your punishment I'll tear this apartment apart to find you!" *CRASH*

Johnny Grimm

Things I know how to do well: 1. Martial arts. 2. Boxing. 3. Promoting. 4. Motivating. 5. Baking. 6. Grilling. Not in that order


Hehe! Honestly, Night would probably just sulk. She's a moody sort, and she'd probably just get quiet and not want to talk about it. Pat would probably try to snuggle her back into a good mood :p