Pledge and Runners - Adjusting the Upload System (Patreon)
2014-12-16 19:51:36
Hey everyone. I've had some people drop out of the Patreon, and I suspect it's a 'pledge and run' kinda deal. So, I'll be doing things a bit differently from here on out. For full colour images, I will be posting cropped or watermarked versions. The lowres files will not be available on this feed. However, at the end of the month, when your payment has been processed, I will be directly sending the rewards to you. This means $5+ patrons get the uncropped/unwatermarked pages, and $10+ patrons gets the highres files sent privately to them. Basically you will see no change in your rewards, but you can't see the full image until your payment is processed. This is to prevent more 'pledge and run' people. These are people who pledge, download the material, and cancel before payments process. Sadly, Patreon does not have a good way of stopping exploits like this, since it charges people at the end of the month. Technically, you're getting rewards for your previous month's payment (which is why many artists send art packs of that prior month's work out after payments are processed). Also, I get email notifications of who pledges what, if they change their amount, and how much the total monthly pledge is at the time of their support, so I can catch who's attempting a 'pledge and run' and can stop them from pledging in the future. I'm not *too* concerned with this first month, since this is just starting out and a lot of it is testing and seeing what works best, but I expect once the comic gets to the saucy stuff, there'll be an increase in 'pledge and runners' and I want to nip that in the bud as early as possible. To sum up: some people are cheating the system so I'm going to make full colour pages and pinups be previews only on this feed until the end of the month, where I'll then send you the files privately once your payment is processed.