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Questions for Ask Puz n Pals #121 - 124 go here!

Remember you have to be a paying $10 tier patron to have your questions considered!

NOTE: You can ask up to four questions, but patrons are limited to one answered question per month (if chosen)!



Frank the Bear

What kind of music do you guys like to listen to?


Who's the kinkiest out of all of you the gang


Nightshade & Patrick: What does your family think about who you are dating? Glitter & Ruby: What is your favorite activity? Olivia: What is your sexiest outfit? Gabby: Do you hate it when Olivia is loud with her company?


All: what's your favorite summer time activity?


For Riley, Regina, and Rebecca: Favorite sexual experiences/fantasies?


For Gabby and Olivia: Give us your best "ahegao" face! :D


Dear Puzzle, what is the craziest thing you have ever been talked into doing?

Matthew Smothers

Hey Olivia, Have you ever worked or ever though of working as a barista?


Puzzle, have you forgotten your pants in public? Diamond, how did you get your purple stripes? Olivia, do you wear horn-friendly shirts or do you have to put normal shirts on carefully? Nightshade...funniest sex story?


Puz: do you have a favorite store to shop at? Di: how many hours straight have you played video games? Pat: have you and Nightshade taken dance classes to prepare for your formal events? Olivia: do you have a celebrity crush?

Tyro Thunderdrone

What is everyone's birthdays and what do you hope to get for gifts? Or how do you celebrate?


Vince are there any fringe benefits to working as bouncer at The Safari?


Hey puz, could I get a hug please? I've been exhausted lately and it would make me feel so much better.

Zhon Lord

Olivia: You've traveled all over the world and... "met" a huge variety of people. How often do you catch colds or other foreign bugs in your encounters, or is your immune system insanely strong?

Zhon Lord

Nightshade: Are there any major kink gatherings or communities you participate in?


Olivia: We see you subbing to a lot of guys. Any experiences with the dominant ladies?


Night: What will you tell Pat when you want to embarrass him?


Nightshade: What is it you see in Patrick?

T.J. Young

Diamond: Is there anything Puzzle does that isn't cute or sexy or both?


Ruby: Are you a one-piece or bikini type girl?


Victoria: Does the Safari do a "Swimsuit Edition" promotion/night/contest?


Question for all: Funniest sex story?

James Brown

Hey Glitter fancy a good ol cup of tea some time? ;p


Question for Diamond and Puzzle: Do you two watch porn together?

T.J. Young

Patrick: We know Nightshade is sexy, but does she have a cute side too?

Hammer of Terra

Ruby: What would be your perfect date?


Okay, that's plenty of questions to choose from. Thanks everyone!