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Hey everyone, quick update/question.

Planning ahead, I'll be returning home from Anthrocon around the time the next Ask questionnaire page would go up, and I will likely be pretty wiped out from the con. Additionally, the last set of questions had some really good ones I'd love to answer.

So what I'm considering doing is using the current crop of questions to make pages for July ahead of time, so I can actually take a break after the con and not come home and immediately start working again.

I wanted to run this by you guys, to see if there's any objections. It'd make my schedule a heck of a lot calmer if I could work on the pages ahead of time.

Also, it's my birthday. Yay. Lol. I'm so old!!




Omg happy birthday, keep up your awesome work ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Keep up the amazing work, and happy birthday!


First happny birthday! Second... that is not alright, you must tirelessly work on such things, dont make me get the chain out XD. Jk, keep up the great work and enjoy your bday!


Go for it. Happy Birthday


Happy Birthday! Feel free to take a break after con and do your work when you are comfortable.


Alright!!^^ HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!


Happy birthday! :D


Thank you! And yeah, I'm trying to avoid burnout, haha XD


Thanks! And yeah, I often need a recharge after cons, so that's mostly why I want to do this now X3


Happy birthday Bro!

Patrick Bradley

As long as I get to see your artwork I don't mind when you post it haha take it easy and happy birthday man stay awesome


Happy birthday, dude! And as for the July pages using the questions, I see no issue with that. A happy Kadath is a happy Puzzle and that means a happy RandoChris. :P


Happy Birthday, Kadath! ^-^


Thanks, I chose some rather saucy questions to answer this time around ;3


Happy Birthday! Sounds like a good plan with the July questions. Have fun today :)

Alexey Belovolsky

Another lap around the sun! Happy Birthday, Kad!


Hey old guy, happy birthday! I was chosen last month, and if my other questions stand a chance of being picked, then I'm game <3

Matthew O

Happy Birthday Kadath :D

Zhon Lord

Ah crap. Happy belated birthday! But yeah, by all means go ahead with using those questions for both months! We don't mind!