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He's got a 30cm-long 'barrel' and 30 minutes of spare time. Care to take him up on it? :P

Lots of alts, including the classic blue look!

Highres, WIP files and PSDs will be available as part of Double/Triple-Shot Tiers, or with the monthly rewards pack!



Ded Otter Man

Is that a lever action blunderbuss?


That's "Sarah Jane", a ridiculously over-powered energy weapon (this was a Saturday Morning cartoon in the politically correct era, real weapons that really killed the bad guys Were Not Allowed). It had Plot Power - if the Plot needed it, it could knock a starship out of the sky, or it could be insufficient to do much of anything to the Main Big Bad. And yes, even though it was an energy weapon, it somehow also was lever action, sort of like a Wookie bowcaster.

Vector Brony

Look at that Stud. You did a great job drawing him