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Hello everyone! 

I hope life treats you well, or if you're in a bad place right now, i hope you will soon find the light of hope, i wish you the best!

Anyway, let's get into the big news. It's pretty hard to deliver but i'm afraid we're not gonna having a poll for December because i wanted to dedicate at least January to my original content, Inarikawa Erika. I'm sorry if i disappoint y'all > <

But i've been really wanting to make original content since the first time opening patreon, so i can credit patrons properly on the comics as well. Because truthfully without Erika, i wouldn't have started on this path at all lol.

The poll and voting will be continued in January for February content. Also i need to decide at least a yearly theme, apart from Halloween and Christmas. Prolly gonna pick fitness/gym for next year.

From this point onwards gonna be a long read, so i left the most important stuffs in the beginning.

Alright, you're in for a ride now, let me tell you a story.

If you followed me on twitter or pixiv for quite some time, or perhaps even found my works from other sites, you may recognize this one.

This mark the very first time i made an ero comic with original character. Which also made me scouted by a Japanese Publisher WWWave corporation, or also known as Comic Festa, then i proceed to work with them to produce two 24-pages oneshots in 2021 and 2022.

After scouted and worked for the publisher, i continued to make several other short comic starring Erika

Where they bet whether her senpai can beat the monkey from Sekiro or not.

And another one when she jogs, can't show it because this post is public lol, but you know if you know. Lemme know if you don't know which one, i'll send you the link.

But yeah, this girl is the starter of it all. So i proceed to develop her even further, and give face to her senpai. Giving her more personality rather than just the usual slut needing money for her gaming needs, more flaws, and relationships (this all still work in progress though).

And here comes the webcomic i've been working on, i only finished the prologue so far though, and that was made this february 💀💀💀

A~nd that marks the end of its prologue, which sets in the future timeline. The actual story starts way long before this event.

If you're familiar with Ryu Ga Gotoku / Like a Dragon series, i was inspired from those series and their cabaret minigame, also Breaking Bad lol.

Erika attire up there in the prologue is the one that i draw few months ago.

Her essence as a gamer girl isn't changed a bit, just her overall situation is made into more dire, so it can be made into a story.

I actually planned to make this a non NSFW webcomic, with the R18 scenes specials to be released just on patreon/fanbox.

So yeah that's that!

Before i forget, i also currently working on Artoria doujin sets in alternate future, which i'm afraid in the same situation with my OCs lol. It's been held back lol.

The artstyle gonna be different from this one though, since it's been quite some time and the way i draw her is kinda changed now 💀💀💀

For the doujin premise, it sets in alternate future, similiar to UBW route but everyone lives. Basically like Fate/ Hollow Ataraxia, Artoria is still saber and not Lancer but she grows up older like Lancer, and Shirou also went on his journey as Seigi no Mikata which makes him exert his magic to his limit, which is why he looks like Archer Emiya rather than regular Shirou.

The doujin is planned to release on DLsite once it's finished, and free copy will be sent to some patron tiers.

Finally, last but not least is:

Karina, the girl cursed with outer god's knowledge.

After mulling awhile i also decided to make this a webcomic as well, but with a different format unlike Erika. What stays the same is that the R18 scenes will be on patreon/fanbox.

Other changes is that she's also recruited by the church to hunt eldritch nightmare. So she'll become battle nun, there'll be other battle nuns as well *OOHHH YEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH*

Ohh good hunter~

That's all of it, thank you so much for reading.





Fucking hypers lots of good shit in the pipeline if there is anything i can do to help feel free to reach out to me


Thank you for your support man! I'll prolly gonna take that offer later down the line lol