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Hello everyone!
First of all, thank you my beautiful patrons who has been supporting me all these times, i want to thank you from the bottom of my heart <3

Now onto the stupid question, which probably kinda late as well. But as you all may assume, i'm actually don't know that much about patreon. And i just found out something today.

So i'm actually has to send a month's reward in next month???
So like, for instance. All March rewards supposed to be sent on early April?
So all teaser contents in one month, and the full reward on early month after?

Thank you for your time, you can ignore this question if you want to, but if you wanna answer i'd be very grateful!

- Best, Yume




No I don't think so? I'm kind of confused by your question, but as long as you're sending promised rewards every month - it doesn't matter which month it lands on. I think your idea comes from a little bit of a scummy way to "keep" patrons subbed every month - basically you promise a reward but don't post it till next month and this forces them to make sure they are renewed for the next month... if that makes sense.


Thanks for the answer! I'm not really sure about scummy part sinc it came from patreon tips itself lol ^^") But yeah it is basically to keep the patrons subbed and to avoid a "join - grab - and - ditch" people which actually has happened quite few times. Patreon do give option to make the payment upfront so ppl gotta pay when they join right after, but i really don't dig that type. So i prolly gonna do partially from now on, not all rewards at once in 1 month if that makes sense.