DNDMajor | In-Betweens Episode 1 (edited audio, no music) (Patreon)
Hi everyone! Thank you for your support and your patience - we've been working very hard to keep the channel chugging along as well as to make some exciting new content for you.
We had a great time putting together the Pilot Test episode of DNDMajor awhile back, and we're thrilled to share a sneak preview of the new, ongoing campaign that we'll begin releasing in the near future.
This ongoing campaign is set in a homebrewed fantasy setting that we've all been building together for several years. Here are the player characters:
Farlina the Tiefling Sorcerer:
Valen the High Elf Rouge
Tybalt the Human Druid
Tamhir the Half-Elf Cleric
We hope you enjoy the raw audio from this premier episode! Let us know if you have any thoughts about the campaign so far!
Also, let us know what other content you'd like to see us share on this page. We'd love your input!
Thanks folks!