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The Finished previews for Ai, BookWorm, Madeleine, and Ribbons are some of the rewards for August! There'll be some make ups + the face sculpt in August as well, so please look forward to it! It'll be for Fem'ra Face 2! I plan to make a few more goodies for August as well, so don't worry if it seems like a small month, there will be more!

Onto the Mini Announcement:

I want to sincerely thank everyone for their support of me this far. It's meant so much to me and it's been completely mind blowing to see this growth from myself. I'm genuinely touched and I can't express enough how grateful I am to everyone. Your support motivates me to want to do better, and improve, and make as many cute and soft things for you guys to enjoy. Since we reached the 40 Patreon Goal, in Mid-August I will make the special Spider Lily tier, Moon Lily. It will be the special 10$ limited slot that will let you request a make up each month! I'm currently thinking August 15th at 8pm EST! Thank you again so much for your support. I want to and will continue to only do better.



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