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Hello to all!

I am hyped to announce that from here forward; I've overhauled the subscription tiers to offer more value for less of a cost to you.

Your support means the world to me, and I wanted to ensure that you're getting the best experience possible as a member of the community.

----Updated Subscription Tiers----

Here is a quick summary of what is new:

  1. Tier 1: Teeny Oyster ($1) - Now includes NSFW SKETCHES! 

2. Tier 2: Thicc Oyster ($6) - Monthly Poll Participation, Patreon Exclusive Content, Line Art (Thick/Organic) and Colored Photos.

3. Tier 3: SMASHED OYSTER ($9) - A price decrease! Now includes Line Art (Thin & Refined), Robots/Mecha, and Poll Participation.

4. Tier 4: Silver Oyster ($15) - Now includes Experimental Art, and on the last picture of the month, you get a shoutout! 

5: Tier 5: Gold Oyster ($25) - Now includes Experimental Art, Last picture of the month shoutout, and a chance to win a custom icon/sticker style drawing at the end of the month! 


----Future Plans----

Experimental Art: I plan to upload Experimental Art more often! What is that you may ask? I like to try different styles and test out my art skills. I like to push the boundaries and challenge myself; to improve on my artwork every day! On specific tiers, you can watch me mess up, improve and grow on these skills.

Social Media: You will have early access to all the artwork corresponding to your tier, two weeks before it is publicly released. After the artwork completes its two-week rotation on Patreon, I'll be more active on social media platforms, sharing the artwork for you to enjoy and share with your buddies.

Image Posting Schedule: My posting schedule on Patreon will be consistent, with new content uploads every Monday and Friday. This will ensure that you can anticipate and enjoy fresh JUICY updates twice a week. 

Poll Posting Schedule: I've planned to introduce a new feature to my content: posting polls EVERY Wednesday for you to vote on what the next artwork should feature. I hope that this approach will allow for an element of interactive engagement, making it so you will have a say in what you'd like to see next!


I have thoroughly reviewed all feedback provided in the exit surveys, carefully considering each and every comment. All of your input is valuable to me, and I genuinely take it to heart. I have so much room for improvement and I am committed to implementing changes based on your suggestions to make things better. I am nowhere near the best, but I am dedicated to work with honesty and strive to improve.

Thank you again for your continued support. Together, we are making more amazing artwork happen!



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