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The next pic of this month is the Duo Poll winner, Alcide Herveaux & Derek Hale (from True Blood & Teen Wolf).

I felt like these two doggos had a bit of a bite to them, so they needed a suitably fiery pose… so this is where we went… 😏

These guys I wanted to be more raw, primal and… I guess, hungry? Might not be the right word, but I think you’ll get my meaning here.

I definitely enjoyed bringing these two together, and have also wanted to do Alcide again for a while, so that was a plus.

For you Beasts, you’ll see quite a few variants here, with backgrounds themed around ‘New Moon’ (True Blood vibes), ‘Blood Moon’ (Teen Wolf vibes) and then ‘the others’, with further divisions for body hair, mess and splatter… plus the usuals. 😉

Also, for any of you Bosses or Beasts, there’s still a little bit of time left to vote on this week’s solo poll if you haven’t already:


Thank you all and hope you enjoy these good boys!! 😏

Blitz xoxo




Some HOT ALPHA action!!!!!!!!

Conor Young

Omg, this is AMAZING!! I love how you how really feel all the pent up sexual energy in that pose, we've definitely got a pair of alpha wolves on our hands ;). Alcide looks gorgeous, I just love how thick and brawny he is (ESPECIALLY with the chest hair), and that look of fucked out bliss in Derek's eyes might just be my favourite part of the whole pic.


Thanks so much Conor!! I'm always second guessing my chest hair, so I'm glad you liked it!! 🥰