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For the first pic of the month, this was one of those times where there was a clear choice in my mind.

I recently went to see, “Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse” and apart from absolutely loving it, I also found myself thinking about it a lot afterwards and found myself really inspired by it… and no, not just by Miguel O’Hara’s cakes!! 😜

The influence of it pushed me in a direction with the art style here, where I looked at this official poster (below) and decided that I wanted to recreate it but in my style (and with a little of my own artistic license... and some gratuitous nudity of course!! 😏).

So… that’s exactly what I did. I steered hard into my comic style for every aspect of this, and tried my best to do it in a way that felt right for me… and honestly, I think the end result is something I’m very happy with.

I’m hoping I can keep this mindset in the coming weeks and really zero in on my art style and what makes me happiest. 😄

As usual, you Beasts will have variants with different levels of effects, varying backgrounds, outlines etc.

(On a side note, I don't have an update on the Beast image for this month just yet... but you might spot a little tease in the pics here... more on that one next week though... 😉)

Also for both you Bosses & Beasts, if you’ve not already made your suggestions, the character suggestions thread is still live, so there’s still some time to get your suggestions in before I put the first poll together 😉:


Hope you all enjoy,

Blitz xoxo



Mike Smith

Love this one Blitz. The way you slightly adjusted his shoulder to reveal a coy smirk does SO much storytelling in such a simple tinier detail.


Never really been much of a spider-man guy, and I have seen a few Miguel pieces that never did anything for me, but this is one great piece of art!!