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The first pic of this month is our Duo pic, and for this one, I’ve decided to go with Nightwing & Red Hood (from Gotham Knights).

Dick & Jason are two very important members of the Bat Family, as well as being fan favourites, and with the recent Gotham Knights game (and some of the awesome footage I’ve seen of it already, even if I haven’t managed to play it yet) I was very much vibing with these two.

As I usually do, I considered a few different options for the pose, but ultimately I felt like sometimes you just need to appreciate a nice, thick cake… 😏

For a while as I was working on them, things seemed to be going well, but also felt a little but off. Fortunately for me, I did a thing where I added a background glow and darkened the foreground a little and I think that clinched it for me... it seems to have captured the mood I was hoping for.

As always, you Beasts will see a few different variants of backgrounds, colour gradients, mess and so on, as well as the full sizes, work files etc..

And for you Bosses & Beasts, there is still some time to get in your character suggestions if you haven’t already:


Blitz xoxo




Beautiful work!

Ken LaGreve

I definitely agree that the darkened foreground was the way to go. These two guys need a darker mood than usual. Other than that, as a HUGE Nightwing & Jason fan, all I can say is THANK YOU!!