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The Beast Image for this month is called, “Mauled” and features Darth Maul & Obi-Wan Kenobi (from Star Wars).

It took me a little longer than usual to decide on what to do this month, but I’ve always thought Darth Maul was very well designed and, given his new show (and their history) pairing him with Obi-Wan seemed like a no-brainer!! 😄

I won’t lie, the inking stage of this one took an absolute age, but that was mostly due to Maul’s own ink, which I think came out pretty well tbh (thank the Internet for providing views of a shirtless Darth Maul!! 😅) so it was worth the extra time.

I also tried something a little different with the colouring that ended up being a bit faster than my standard methods, but I don’t think lost anything in the process.

Also, attached here are the main versions, but as usual you’ll find a few additional options in your packs with variations on body hair, backgrounds etc.

As always, thank you all so very much!! You Beasts are amazing for all the support you give me and I really hope you enjoy this pair!! ❤️

Blitz xoxo



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