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The next pic of this month is the Solo Poll winner, Eggsy (from Kingsman), which I’ve titled “How Do You Eat Yours?”. 😜

One thing that causes me conflict with this character is which version of him to go with… should I be displaying his “secret agent” side, or the “chav” side… so I decided instead to do a thing with a mirror so I didn’t have to choose!! 😅

The colouring style with this was a little different to my normal one - I went with a more painted style that I’ve been trying out recently. I’ve still not decided if I prefer it to my usual… It might just be that it’s not and familiar to me yet.

I am pretty happy with the outcome of this though, so I really hope you guys enjoy it. 😁

Also for you Beasts and Bosses, there’s still a few hours left in the Duo poll for this week if you’ve not had your say yet:


Much love,

Blitz xoxo



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