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Hey Blitzers,

So, this is February’s update on the Ankhrux project, and below I have some details on the attached pics.

However, I have to preface this by saying, with great sadness, that this is probably the end of the road for this project.

I knew taking on a project was a big change, but it was something you guys wanted and also something I’ve wanted to do for quite some time, so I said I would do it for as long as I could.

That time is now.

The last few weeks have been even more stressful than usual. I try to assign specific times to work on the Beast work (generally Mondays and Tuesdays), but with this project, there is so much to do. So much background to set up. So much world building. I’ve designed and re-designed the main character several times now. And it becomes the focus of my mind in any free moment I have. It’s all I’m talking about and all I’m thinking about.

On Tuesday morning, I sat down to do the linework for Astraeus. This is not usually an incredibly difficult task for me to do, generally speaking, especially not when I have a sketch already done. If anything, the linework is often my favourite stage of the process. But it wouldn’t come. And my mind just shut down. Everything became too much. It went… dark.

I struggled through tears on my phone as I almost asked for help, but instead moved over to my computer and pushed myself through more tears as I tried to force out the linework. My head starting to hurt from the stress, my mouth hurting from grinding my teeth. My eyes twitching. My hand shaking. And I kept pushing myself and pushing myself.

After struggling through tears and further dark thoughts, I realised it had all become too much.

This is all probably more information than I should share, or than you need or want. But you guys have supported me so much with this, and I feel as though I have let down all of you, and myself. My heart and soul went into building this project, and I’m devastated that it has to end, but I know it does.

I know that I can’t continue to work on my usual Patreon work and also work on a project. And frankly, I’m not in a position where I can afford to just switch to the project and deal with the fallout.

So, as of next month, I’ll be returning to the additional image for you Beast guys. I won’t be reinstating themes at the moment. I think it’s important for me to go back to basics and try not to overcomplicate everything.

I’m sorry to have to share this with you all, and I hope you can understand my decision.

Below is a rundown of this final design from where I was in the project.

Additionally, when I put out the packs, I’ll be including a text file (probably a PDF). This won’t be a script, per se, but more just me venting every thought I’ve had on this project onto paper. Because, while I may not have shared a lot with you guys over the last couple of months, I have been working on so much for this and I want you all to have access to it.

To at least be able to know what it might have become. ❤️

I love you all and thank you again so much for your support.

Blitz xoxo



This is the final design for my OC character Astraeus from project Ankhrux.

Or should I say, formerly project Ankhrux, now called, “Astray”.

In “Astray”, we follow the adventures of our main character and his occasional travelling companions as he journeys across the Ancient Greek myth-inspired kingdoms of Hyland. Hyland is named after the Hybreed that live here. They are human-animal hybrids that have been created through alchemy & science by the cruel tyrants that rule here.

Inspired by Cerberus, Astraeus is one such hybreed and former guardian of one such tyrant, Hadesh, and his underground citadel.

Over the course of his adventures, Astraeus will also journey to Ankhrux, an Ancient Egyptian inspired empire with vast technological knowledge. Highly xenophobic, its borders have been shut off to outsiders for centuries. Ruled over by a seemingly immortal God, what little we know of Ankhrux can only be gleaned from those who have been banished from it and while no one has seen any true Ancrucians in a very long time, they do interact with the outside world through automatons that resemble white marble statues with gold inlay.

The only exception is a hybreed named Anubira. Loyal to the rule on Ankhrux, a mysterious archer with ties to Astraeus, who fires arrows that emit hard-light holograms as they fly.

Astraeus will also journey to the floating ocean city of Arcalypso; A magical city inspired by Celtic mythology and design, which is home to this world’s elite magic users.

He will also visit Hyperborea, a secluded country to the far north, past the frozen wastes. Hyperborea is inspired by the Ancient Greek mythological land that is its namesake, and norse mythology. It is a land without magic and without technology or alchemy. Instead they use a unique type of runic enchantment on their armour and weapons that bestow special properties.

I could say more on any of these topics, cities or countries, but to do so would be basically pitching plot.

Astraeus is my most fleshed out truest, creation. ❤️

Blitz xoxo




I’m really sorry you went through all of that. I know it’s difficult, especially when it’s something you were excited about and loved and wanted to share, but it’s not worth it to force yourself. You shouldn’t blame yourself or worry about letting your fans down, either. We’re not all going to start hating you or abandon you for stepping back from something that was causing you so much anguish. We admire you because we love everything that you create and we just want you to be happy and healthy. I hope you start to feel better soon. Most everyone has experienced what you’re going through and we understand. Just hang in there, take care of yourself first, and try not to worry too much.

Phoenix Monroe

I hope you get the rest you need to feel better ❤️. Don’t worry about the project, you can always return to it if you want. You produce an amazing amount of content each month and you never disappoint, so don’t feel you let us down. You’re pretty much stuck with me so I’m not going anywhere 😁😁


It takes a lot of courage to admit when we're just simply overwhelmed. Proud of you for doing so--take your time, get some rest, and know that we're all here for you.

The Partitioner

If you're feeling overwhelmed its best to take a break until that feeling goes away. Sometimes you need to put yourself over others.

Mike Smith

Blitzy, thank you for sharing so much of yourself with us. Not just your mind and the brilliant things it creates but your heart too. I'm sad to hear how difficult this process has been for you. Just know that I am not at all disappointed in you deciding to stop and prioritize you. I want you to be healthy and safe. And I'm heartened that you recognized and took steps to fix what was causing this stress. Hope your mind is a little more at peace now that you've made the decision.

Conor Young

Thank you for sharing all this with us, Blitz, this must have taken a lot of courage for you to post. But I'm so glad and proud that you did, and I hope the steps you're taking will help to ease your mind. You've nothing to apologise for in regards to the project, I can safely say we'd all much rather have you feeling happy and secure in yourself than any comic. I'm sorry that things turned out this way, but recognising and maintaining your boundaries is no failure, so please don't worry on our behalf. Just focus on putting yourself and what you need first, we'll be behind you every step of the way. Sending you all my love and hugs, Blitz, and thank you again for everything you do and share with us ❤️❤️❤️


Thank you all so much. ❤️ Just to clarify, because I don't want to imply that Ankhrux/Astray was itself the problem, but moreso just the combination of that and the regular Patreon work and everything in my personal life right now. Unfortunately, the project was the only thing that had any give so, as disappointing as it is, that had to be the choice. But thank you all so very much for your support and understanding!! ❤️