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The first one up in our, “Lumberjacked” month is Vander (from Arcane).

If you haven’t yet watched Arcane… watch Arcane. Trust me!! 😉

I’ve been in love with the animation studio that made it (Fortiche) for a while and they’ve only improved over the years. At this point, I think it’s pretty much associated with Riot Games. 

When finishing off this one, I tried to take everything I know about the character (and fan expectations of the lore) which influenced the background and colour overlay I went with.

That being said, I did play with quite a few potential finishes and as always I’ve included these variants for you Beast patrons!! 😄

I also really wanted to play with lighting and moonlight.

I’ve experimented with different types of lighting, and I’ve experimented a bit with fire, but moonlight is relatively new for me.

If it helps you get in the headspace I was in when making this one, I imagined him saying something along there lines of,

“Brace yourself… This is going to hurt.

I promise.” 😏

Also, a little reminder for you Bosses and Beasts, the Character Suggestion Thread is up and there’s still time to make your suggestions if you’ve not already:


Blitz xoxo




Phenomenal Blitz!


Thank you 😍. He is my fantasy since promotional Arcane posts came out.

Conor Young

Amazing work, Blitz, what a start to the month!! I love the atmosphere of this pic so much, there's such a fascinating mix of alluring and forboding in everything from Vander's body language to the way the moonlight and shadows play over the whole scene. I'd definitely say you captured the headspace and attitude from Vander you were imagining perfectly, this is so hot!


The moon is gorgeous and the sparks from the pipe are inspired. Kind of silly of him to think that little piece of cloth would've been able to contain that arm between his legs.


Now that it one hot Lumberjack Dad !


Wow - thanks so much Conor!! I really loved this guy in Arcane, so I'm very happy he came across so well!! 🥰