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Update: The Winner of last week’s Solo Poll was Bolin which will be the next pic coming up this week.


It’s time for this month’s Duo poll!! 😄

I’ve stuck with the same number as this month’s solo poll so you’ve got 10 options to choose from. 😁

There are a lot of great options here from your awesome suggestions, several of which are big hitters, so I really have no idea which way this one is gonna go, but I’m definitely excited to find out!!

So, let’s get voting and find out who you wanna see feature in our next “Moneyshot” themed piece!! 😏😄


This poll will last for approximately one week, and work will begin the following Wednesday. You can vote on as many or as few options as you like. Hopefully this lets me see which option is wanted by the most people. So please pick your favourite and your backup favourites, at the least.

Ties will be decided by my beloved Giant Twenty Sided Dice. Mighty is the Dice, hallowed be it’s sides.

Campaigning for your favourite option is allowed in the comments below. Shaming other options is not, and will be removed.

Good luck and have fun.



Johnny Harlon

Too many good options!! I voted for most! I know it’s not for many yet but Flex and Vic is absolute Galaxy brained, I love it!! And them 🥰


oh my god, never have I voted for so many options? fingers crossed some of these reappear at some point! love the presence of Doom Patrol on here, especially these Cyborg and Flex!

Mike Smith

Thanks I was proud of myself when I came up with that recommendation :P

Mike Smith

LOL I literally voted for all but one option. I don't think I was very helpful in narrowing things down


My Q-Force suggestion doing better than I thought though I guess there's just no beating Mahvel baby