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The first one up in our, “Otherwise” month is Vesemir (from Nightmare of the Wolf).

I went with the sub-theme of Tricks & Treats and the character I went for was one that has been suggested in the past and piqued my interest.

I’ve been a little run down this week, and on top of that, a recent Clip Studio update wreaked havoc with my touch controls resulting in a day of my hand constantly undoing what I had just done, or pushing, pulling and generally messing with the canvas.😅

However, after taking a pair of scissors to several gloves I had lying around (took a couple of attempts 😅), I was back in motion again with admittedly slightly fewer gloves, but infinitely more optimism!! 😂

In the course of research for this pic, I of course watched Nightmare of the Wolf and I have to say this guy is very captivating - if you’ve not yet see its, I definitely recommend it.

Also, for you Beasts, you’ll find a few other variants in the packs (I had a lot of different thoughts on quotes and phrases).

Also also, for you Bosses and Beasts, the Character Suggestion Thread is up and there’s still time to make your suggestions if you’ve not already:


Blitz xoxo



Ben Graham

So fucking hot!!!! :3 Thank you!


Gorgeous and I must say you did an amazing job with is floating balls- one could really dive into this one

Conor Young

Absolutely GORGEOUS work here, Blitz!! I love this idea so much, and you did an amazing job pulling it off. Vesemir looks so hot, I especially love his little smirk, and the warmth of the colouring and lighting really adds to the whole scene. You've definitely gotten Otherwise off to a great start! :D


Haha - Thanks Jaragon!! Dive away... I think this treat is always looking for more tricks... so long as they're willing to toss a coin to their witcher!! 😜