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UPDATE: Suggestions for this month are now closed



So, you can use the term, “Holiday Season” and pretty much anyone will know what you mean (usually that period from about Thanksgiving right up to New Years).

However, my absolute favourite time of year is just before that, in October. I love everything about celebrating things that are dark, or that frighten us, or people that are scary or different.

But it’s not about candy, and it’s not just a time for insta-hos to dress as cats… (Although it is a time to celebrate them. 😉)

So, this year I’m forming my own new Annual holiday: “Otherwise”. 😜


What is “Otherwise”?

Otherwise is an annual holiday that celebrates what’s different.

If Christmas is about family and thanksgiving is about being grateful, then this is about facing your fears, allowing yourself to be unique or even just taking one day to pretend to be someone or something else. For example, perhaps you want to be exuberant and outspoken even though you’re usually introverted?

There’s a power in embracing outcasts, those who are different, things that scare us, our superstitions, our myths and legends.

It’s a time where you can feel sexy, or scary, or connected to something spooky or ancient.

At its core, it’s a time to say to the darkness, “I’m not afraid of you and you have nothing to be afraid of from me… let’s respect each other and peacefully coexist”.


So, next month, the central theme will be “Otherwise”.

However, I’m once again going to ask for your input.

I’m opening the comments of this thread up for “Otherwise” Theme Suggestions for next month.

These will either be Otherwise themed and/or I will put an Otherwise spin on it.

You can leave your suggestions in the comments below and I will pick anywhere from 0-5 to add to my own ideas, which will then be put to a poll as usual (allowing suggestions is not locking the poll into only community suggestions - I may decide to go with other ideas).

However, I will pick the top 4 themes, and each of these will be assigned to a different image for the month.

I hope I’ve explained all that well enough, so with that said, this thread will be open for suggestions for about a week to see what Otherwise theme suggestions you guys come up with!!

Blitz xoxo



jakee Ramos-Wilson

Otherwise Jason vorhees inspiration for those who were born different. I.e born with a defect skin color and feeling miss understood. Hope I did this right


I'd like to see an Otherwise Anole from Marvel. He's such a sweetheart, but so self concious about his looks/body... I'd like to see him full of confidence for a change (especially with that tongue... He could make a *lot* of people happy with that tongue...)


I do like your Otherwise concept


Unfortunately, I’m not really sure what feedback or suggestions you’re looking for. If the theme is just differences, I feel every theme we’ve always done has showcased the models in different scenarios. Maybe villain versions of heroes or characters in different historical time periods: ancient pasts , iconic eras, cyberpunk futures, etc.

Mike Smith

I'm going to suggest 'Self Love' as a theme. As a duo it could be a selfcest between a character and their 'Otherwise' self. As a it would be the otherwise version of having some fun with themselves and a mirror.

Thomas Polk

We do otherwise so much it is difficult to think of something new. Genbderbending, Alpha-Beta switching, Superhero Super Vilain crossovers, Jimmy Olsen topping Superman, etc. Perhaps in Mike Smith's vein, instead of self-love have twins having sex upside down or twin bottoms with a double dildo.


Jimmy Olsen and Robin would be a nice visual


How about historical? Different cultures and different eras, since we've been taught how 'conservative' old ideals about sex were. Drawing Roman gladiators, Japanese Samurai, Native American warriors, etc. engaged in MM sex.


Let loose: this theme would focus on all our hard working men taking a break to be themselves and let their fears and inhibitions go. Men that work, save the world, have daddy responsibilities etc,. would have the opportunity to have fun for a day. Whether it's go to a strip club, perform in one, go to a circuit party, or hook up with random guys for one night and feed into their desires. Oblivious; this theme would show love to all the men who don't know how sexy they are. These men are a little thick headed to see people hit on them and dismiss it as nothing more than just friendly banter. All kinds of background and secondary characters are welcomed to take the spotlight and be at the forefront to show just how much we appreciate them and their sexiness. Sexy costumes would be welcome here to really show off all their assets.

Conor Young

I think I'll go with On Display: scenarios based around exhibitionism and public sex/nudity. Getting past the fear of what everyone will think of your birthday suit, and learning to flaunt what you've got and everyone else wants. Whether it's in the locker rooms, in a strip club, getting your superhero costume ripped to indecent shreds during a fight, or modelling nude for an art class, there's power to be found in the vulnerability of nudity, so why not enjoy having everyone's eyes solely on you?