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So, this isn’t technically part of the month’s images, but I was trying out some things last week and ended up with this OC, so I thought I’d share him with all of you.

His full name is Sodimus Rex… but you can just call him Rex. 😏

I can’t tell you much more than that as that’s as much of a backstory as he has so far… I really just let my mind wander and this is where it went!! 😅

Blitz xoxo



Conor Young

I love this, it's such a fun piece!! Rex looks gorgeous in both variations, and I really like his playful expression too. Even if there isn't much backstory, you already get so much personality from his design and body language, brilliant work!!

Mike Smith

I love him!!!! He looks so fun and excited for life. And I know he doesn't have a story yet, but he seems to me like he might be the perfect companion for a certain Doctor we haven't seen in a bit... :P


He is having a lot of fun- nice work

Thomas Polk

But Sodimus is so much more definitive! And Rex makes him king!

Thomas Polk

He's great by the way. I like your OC's.

Philip Kraus

Like the image of Invincible on his board! Nice touch!