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The next pic of the month is the winner of the Solo Poll, Eddie Brock’s Venom.

With this piece, I wanted to play with the idea of negative space.

As always, Beast Tier patrons will find a few different versions with and without facial hair & body hair (& pubic hair… for any of you looking at the work files, that will be the section marked cock moustache 😜).

Also, for Boss & Beast patrons, there’s still time for to vote on the duo poll if you haven’t already:


Much love,

Blitz xoxo



Johnny Harlon

This is so fucking gorgeous!

Conor Young

BEAUTIFUL stuff, Blitz, this is so creative! I love the mysterious erotic edge this piece has, you've such a gift for working with negative spaces!


Very sexy- specially you drew the muscles- always thought there was gay thing going on between these two