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The Throuples/Threeway poll is finally here and we got some intriguing options this week to choose from.

The patreon Poll limit is 25 so I sadly had to make some cuts here and there, but it was very difficult and I really didn't want to. I loved all the suggestions this month and I can tell this is going to be another interesting race to watch. Will it be another tight race? We'll have to wait and see.

This poll will last for one week and will be the last picture drawn this month. You can vote on as many or as few options as you like. Hopefully this let's me see which option is wanted by the most people. so please pick your favourite and your backup favourites, at the least. Ties will be decided by my beloved Giant Twenty Sided Dice. Campaigning for your favourite option is allowed in the comments below. Shaming other options is not. Good luck and have fun.



Games, Anime, Movies, Comics, TV shows and even some crossovers here. There's so much to love. Theres a goo option, a metamorphs gone wild option, a furry love option, old favourites and new favourites. I could not pick myself. I honestly love these suggestions so much.

Johnny Harlon

I voted for my top three, which includes TWO connors, love of my life Beast, and other love of my life Nightcrawler 🥰🥰


Wolverine, Sabertooth, and Beast? That’s a lot of fur in that bedroom! 😜

Mike Smith

Looking like this is gonna be a very wolfy/wolvie month hehe

Thomas Polk

I think you should do them all. We’ll stay all night!


I see what you were doing with Billy and the putties. I like your vision


While it's a few off, Scott and the Alpha Twins has so much potential with their ability to merge.