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Updated: It was a very, very close race between three early front-runners; Geralt& Jaskier from the Witcher, Stiles and Derek from Teen Wolf, and Venom (Eddie Brock) and Agent/Anti-Venom (Flash Thompson).

Two hours before the poll finished I woke up to use the little artist's room and checked the poll. All three options were still tied for first. I was getting ready mentally to start photoshopping my Mighty Dice onto the face of RuPaul and start preparing All Stars lipsticks (for a laugh) and I was also considering making a second poll including these three options.

But when the poll actually ended we had a last minute winner.

Congratulations to....

Stiles and Derek from Teen Wolf

After the Rated X mini comic I spent last week on I need a short break so work begins on Sterek on Wednesday. I will be making the throuples poll shortly.

To everyone who participated in this poll, thank you so much. The suggestions, polls and surprise wins keep these things interesting. It also helps me get a good grasp of what people want so that I can make more informed decisions later down the line.


Johnny Harlon

-chanting- Geraskier, Geraskier, Geraskier!

Conor Young

Oooof, this is gonna be such a tight month!!


Teen Wolf!!!!!!!


GFlipped Storm and Hank McCoy


Teen Wolf vs The Witcher vs Venom in a three-way tie right now, this is going to be interesting. 😁


Let's go, Team SymbiOT3!!

Mike Smith

Looking like the trusty die might be getting some work again.

A Strange One

3 way tie so far, omfg!


Omg two way tie I hope the Witcher pulls through!!