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Bolin and Tonraq from Legend of Korra arrived for everyone today.

I have been trying several new tricks and techniques once again, but the heat and humidity of the weather have made everything a struggle. Luckily I am very happy with how it came out. :)

It was the final pic of the month and the packs for the month are now complete, and I will be taking a few days to rest up before beginning the cycle again. The packs will be sent out by DM to all eligible patrons between the 2nd and 5th of next month. They are currently accessible for my Discord users on the dedicated link channels.

In other news I am considering doing a Magneto Dom / Wolverine Brat in a mini comic set in the current Age of Krakoa. I make no promises but I'll be taking the next few days to consider what it would take to fit it into a month. It might happen it might be too much work. I will think about I may make a poll to ask some questions about it.

Please stay safe out there and look after each other.

xoxo Blitzer



Conor Young

I love this so fucking much, you have no idea!! Your colouring and lighting work is just phenomenal here, and I love how you've done Bolin's ass with so much give and squishiness XD. What a fun pic to end the month on, I love the little glint in both of their eyes. The mini-comic sounds so cool, I really hope it works out! Thanks so much for this, I hope you enjoy your weekend ❤️❤️❤️


Thanks Coyo. I won't say too much on it but I am really hapopy with the things I have learned lately. Looking forward to next month already. Seriously. My 2 year patreeon anniversary.

Mike Smith

Yay!!!! A fantastic final pic to recommend a super hot super fun month. Thanks for all the work, Blitz! Love the thought of a mini-comic from you especially one in the Marvel world ;). Either way loving this and looking forward to whatever polls you have in mind.


Thank you Mike. It's really rejuvenating to hear when people like how things turned out. Thanks for letting me know. :)


This is beautiful. Can we have Bolin bottom for other guys outside of avatar?