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This month's Beast Mode Image set is of the Shapeshifting Reed Richards AKA Mr Fantastic and Johnny Storm aka the Human Torch.

There are seven variations of the image showing Reed Inflating parts of himself during his encounter with Jonny.

I apologise that it took so long to complete and that it may be a little more uneven than usual. I had 2 seperate runs of tech trouble this month and the picture was shifted between Photoshop, Clip, Procreate on PC, Mac and Ipad to get it done and on time.

I hope you like it.

Note: Reed Richards has to my knowledge only used Muscle Inflation as part of his powerset in comics one time. This was during his fight with Onslaught. It steps on the Thing's toes a little to be sure which is why it is probably not done more often. But you can look it up. :)

Johnny's fire turning a little blue when he cums, on the other hand, does not have any precedent I am aware of.




Fuck!! That is so hot!!

Conor Young

ALL the yes, this is absolutely brilliant! I love how you incorporated their powers into the sex, it's so creative and it makes the scene so much hotter! Also ngl, the pieces you've done with MUA3 characters have me seriously tempted to shell out for a switch just so I can ogle over these designs in person XD. I'm sorry you had all the tech issues this month, it really sucks, but I don't think the picture's quality suffered at all. The fact that you still managed to get it out looking as good as it does speaks very highly of your talent and dedication <3. Another stunner, you never fail to impress!

Mike Smith

Fantastic, man!!!! So damn hot and it is so impressive that you managed to do all this with your technical problems. Thank you!


Loving it ! Despite the technical problems you did an awesome job !


It's been quite a month. But I am only going to let it fuel me. After a qucik rest. lol

Pirata Avarus

This is great! It’s such a fun and characterful series. And super hot!


I'm loving it, you should do more art of characters who can stretch. Like Plastic Man and Elongated Man.

Thomas Polk

Love the way Johnny's toes curl in anticipation. Thank you for your perseverance and major effort for our delectation!