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Daken has been suggested a lot since I drew him in February 2019. I've included one of last years pics for comparison.

I was having so much fun working on him that just before coloring him I decided to work on some gogo gear, so I had an excuse to work on it longer. Which turned out to be a) a great idea and b) a bad idea as I nearly didnt get it finished. Still I really like this one. And I like comparing it to last years.

For those who are not aware, Daken is Wolverine's half japanese son. They share claws and a Healing factor, but Daken has darker claws, one of which is on his wrist, and his healing factor is driven by active thought rather than being automatic. He is also capable of altering pheromones and is empathic. He's also a sexual and seductive bisexual who hates to wear proper shirts.

Note: This month's packs will be sent out by DM on Patreon at the start of next month. For eager beavers the dropbox links are already available on my discord server and are updated as rewards become available.

Note 2: For Beasts bloodsoaked, naked and pre cum variants have been added to this month's pack.



Peter D

The return of Daken!! 😍🤤


And its the first of two. Hes got a new look coming in X-Factor later this month and I'm going to HAVE to draw it in the next few months. Got that samurai bun, and bearish build in the design. Gimme gimme.


Daken I feel is one of the most under rated X-Men in both coolness and sexiness! You do him wonderful justice!

Mike Smith

DAMN!!! I mean just DAMN!

Conor Young

This looks amazing! I love how the gogo gear turned out, especially how it contrasts with the tattoo placement, and it's been cool finding out more about Dakan as a character. The pic from last year is really great too, I love seeing how your style has grown over time - you could make a tradition out of drawing yearly Dakans! XD Fantastic stuff, all in all, you've definitely done Dakan justice!

Thomas Polk

Wow, Blitz, I love it! You've redrawn my man! Fabulous! Swoon.


I absolutely drew him for you. You'd been asking so long. I'm glad I got to him. I was hoping you'd like it.


Omg i love Daken! Another one of those characters that doesn’t get enough love! This is amazing i love it!


We definitely need Daken to find his way into a movie so people can geek out about him more. :)