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First of all I wanted to thank everyone who voted in my Survey Poll this month. It helped me plan changes for April and experiment with ideas throughout March. It was immensely helpful and I am really grateful.

Secondly, March 2020 pack links are due to be sent out on the 2nd of April.

Third, I will be streaming tomorrow at 6pm GMT and again at 10pm GMT.

And now the tweaks, twists and changes;

Tier Changes:

The Silver, Gold and Platinum Tiers have all been renamed. They are now the Bro, Boss and Beast tiers and have been reimagined with new tier identities. All of these names are considered playful and loosely based on gym themes.

  • Bro Tier [formerly Silver Tier]:

The Bro Patrons are my friends with benefits. They are casual and friendly supporters who want to toss a coin to your Blitzer or check out the NSFW weekly images.

  • Boss Tier [formerly Gold Tier]:

My Gold Patrons have been reimagined as my badass Bosses. These patrons want to get involved and have a say. With this new vocal and interactive tier identity I have moved some tier rewards up from Silver and down from Platinum to provide my Bosses all my interaction based rewards. I have also added a new Patron studio on my Discord server for those that are interested in using their current isolation to learn or practice their art.

  • Beast Tier [formerly Platinum Tier]:

My lil' Beasties are my highest level of patrons, my staunchest supporters and the most ravenous consumers of my content. They want every variant, every size, every file, every video process, every collectible reward they can stash in a folder with my name on it. To achieve this new identity I have swapped some rewards with Gold. A new monthly video process and any recordings I might have for any streams I do will also be added to this tier.

  • Branding:

I have updated my various graphics with a new set of colorful images meant to reflect me as a person and the kind of art I want to create. Colorful, fun, vibrant and happy with nods to comics and gaming.

  • Free SFW image removal:

After reviewing the feedback and from the my own tests I have concluded that many patrons would be happy for me to drop the free SFW public variants if it means more hardcore poses and more couples without a dip in quality. I have decided to drop the SFWs unless they are right for the image, or work with the pose. These images were used on social media for exposure but I have decided to simply use stylised teasers from now.

  • 4/5 Images a month:

While the feedback suggested that many people would happily trade off the amount of images for other qualities, I have decided to keep the image total at 4 pics a month with 1 extra image for Beast tier patrons. By removing the SFW variants, and by making some changes to my workflow I believe I can keep the image total unchanged.

  • Image sizes and Programs:

Unfortunately as I have evolved as an artist I have started to use more and more layers. I work exclusively on ProCreate for the iPad and unfortunately their program has a layer limit to reduce crashes. At the 5000x sizes I work at I only have 22 layers at my disposal. I use an average of 30. This has made it difficult to work without merging layers and then time consuming when I can’t undo things later. So I have reduced the size I work at to 4k. This gives me 35 layers. I attempted to return to Clip Studio to avoid this but Clip increased my export times, does not have liquify or time lapses and is simply not user friendly on the iPad imo.

  • Monthly Poll:

In an effort to provide variety I am upgrading the monthly poll from Solo character to Couples. Including the Beast Mode image that makes 2 couples a month from now on.

  • Sequential Images:

I have added Sequential Images to my Image Variations reward. If a sequential set is right for an image I will include them. There will be an average of 3 variants in a set. PreFuck, MidFuck and PostFuck. Prefuck will of course be hard ons, desire and undress, MidFuck will be penetration, embarrassment, pain or cumshots and Postfuck will be mess, aftercare and contentment.

Note: While any image could potentially become one, the Beast Mode Image will now always be a Sequential image set.

  • New Goals:

Inspired by events taking place this month I have decided to create my own comic series and Collectible Card Game called Edgeways. Edgeways will only be added to the tiers as rewards once specific goals are met. You can watch me work on it via stream on Wednesday’s from now on. More on that in the Streaming paragraph below.

-Edgewaysis a sci-fantasy collectible card game in which you battle, seduce or negotiate your way to victory. It will have adult gay themed content, detailed lore, short stories, comics and an evolving narrative to complement the game. Its storylines will tackle action, adventure, romance and the complex relationship between sex and science fiction/magic.

  • Streaming:

This month I tried streaming using GoLive on Discord. GoLive is the perfect way for me to stream in a private and intimate setting without breaking the bank. I was very pleased with the test in March and have added it as a Boss tier reward. I plan to stream every Wednesday from now on as I work on my personal project: Edgeways. Tomorrow I will be designing an Outlock; A demon hunting cowboy from a distant galaxy in revealing NSFW leather gear.

  • Patron Studio:

For Boss and Beast patrons the new Patron Studio has been added on Discord.

Because of the Global pandemic and with people forced to stay home now more than ever before, several people, both here and in real life, have told me they wish to use this time to finally learn some art skills - My boyfriend included. I hope that by providing these new channels, I can encourage some of you to try your hand at art, no matter your skill level, and inspire you to use this time to learn a new skill you've always wanted. After all when life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade! Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man whose gonna burn your house down - with the lemons!

  • Gumroad Code:

The Gumroad code sent out on the 2nd of April will be the last. I am dropping it as a reward as it has seen less use in recent months and I am moving my focus away from Gumroad. Packs from older months will still be posted there, but brushes, bumper packs, etc. have been removed and won’t be returning. I am instead focusing on my new project Edgeways moving forwards.

If you managed to wade through this wall of text to the end, congratulations. You are a stronger person than my boyfriend whose brain is currently rebooting.

I want to thank you all again for your love and support this month. I know that some of these changes might not be to everyone's tastes but I invite you to check out the tier information on my main page and change or drop your pledge as you feel is needed. I am so grateful for the support I have received but I must make changes I think are the best for me and everyone. Especially now when mental and personal health is so damn important.

Please stay safe out there. Look after yourselves and each other.




I am SO looking forward to Edgeways!!

Pirata Avarus

This is all very exciting! Hope you and your boyfriend are staying safe and sound! 😊

Mike Smith

Sounds like fun :)