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First of all I just wanted to say that I got myself a new Mac. The transition from PC (especially for a gaymer) was rough andI will be paying it off for a while but at long last I now have the ability to properly stream from Procreate if I want to. I will be spending some time over the next few days figuring out if this is a good idea, how I should go about it and if anyone is even interested in it. I will keep you guys posted with what I decide. 

Secondly the winner of this month's Character Suggestion Poll was Captain America as he is portrayed in the MCU. This will be the final pic of the month and I have begun planning it out and researching poses etc already. 

Lastly for this month's exclusive image for Platinum Patrons,  I chose the Geralt and Jaskier pairing that was requested as Witcher is very topical at the moment, and I wanted to practice scars,bodyhair and smaller guys. So Geralt and Jaskier were a perfect fit.



Conor Young

Would definitely be interested in any future streaming events!!

Mike Smith

Already drooling at the thought of Steve :P


Would also be interested in streaming ✌


I just joined today! Been seeing/following your artwork on IG for awhile now, and just had to become a Platinum Patreon! Love your work Blitz! Can't wait to see the Cap in all his glory :P


I’m working on Cap right now. Still a ways to go but I think it’s going really well. Thanks Rasul 😊😀