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TLDR: All patrons may suggest their favourite character in the comments below to be added to this month's poll. Platinum Patrons may additionally suggest a couple or pairing of characters to be added to a new list that I will consult when choosing subjects for the Platinum Exclusive or other couples images.


Hey hey,

The Monthly Poll returns this month with no theme. I will choose three to six of my favourite suggestions to add to the poll for patrons to vote on.

The Platinum Exclusive is returning this month. A fifth monthly image just for patrons of this tier but this time they will be solely focused on couples or pairings in adult situations. Platinum Patrons may request one couple/ pairing/ ship a month and they will be added to a Masterlist that I will consult from now on when choosing couples for an illustration and for every Platinum Exclusive image. This is in addition to their monthly poll suggestion.

Note: Characters proposed for the poll are referred to as Suggestions. Couples proposed for the Platinum Exclusive are referred to as Requests. Hopefully this will help me be more clear in my descriptions on tiers and when making posts in the coming months.

Please leave your suggestions in the comments belows.


Suggested so far:

Wolverine - Marvel

Joker - My take on the character’s design

Race Bannon - Johnny quest

Peter Hale - Teen Wolf

Agent Venom - Marvel x2

Lucifer - Lucifer TV

Dean Winchester - Supernatural

Guzma - Pokemon Sun/Moon

Daken - Wolverine’s Son/ Marvel

Kano - Mortal Kombat

Bolin - Legend of Korra

Lemillion - My Hero Academia

Captain Hook - Once Upon a Time

Requested so far:

Steve Rogers/ Thor - Marvel

Derek Hale/ Peter Hale - Teen Wolf

Poe Dameron/ Finn - Star Wars

Guzma/ Professor Kukui - Pokemon Sun/Moon

Endeavour and AllMight - My Hero Academia

Nick Ramos and Dylan Fuentes - Dead Rising 3


Poll Suggestion Rules:

  • All Patrons may suggest one solo character they would like to see me draw.
  • My favourite character suggestions will be added to this month’s poll. [3 to 6]
  • I may remove a suggestion from the running and use it for this month’s illustrations.
  • Suggestions for the poll end on Monday the 18th of November.
  • Poll begins on the 18th of November and will last until the 25th of November.

Platinum Exclusive Requests Rules:

  • Platinum Patrons may suggest one couple or pairing a month
  • This suggestion is in addition to their monthly Poll Suggestion.
  • Couples suggested will be added to a list that I will regularly consult when choosing new subjects for Platinum Exclusive or other couples images.



Jeff McDonald

I'm going to go with WOLVERINE as my suggestion!


Joker (from Batman) I’d be interested on your take of him

Conor Young

Possibly Steve Rogers/Thor for a couple set? Sorry for sounding like a broken record, feel free to ignore 😊 Edit: Bow from She Ra would be cool to see! Thanks for the message ❤️


Don’t forget you can also make a solo character suggestion as well from now on. To help it be less confusing I’m going to word it like this. You may make a Suggestion for the Poll and a Request for the monthly bonus image. Either edit your original post or make a new one if you do wish to do so because I’m not getting notified of replied to my replie for some reason. :(


Any joker in particular? Comic only? Heath ledger? BAU's Hamill? Or my own version? Something else?


Derek Hale/Peter Hale for the couple poll, Peter Hale solo for the character poll (cause you already made an awesome Derek solo pic <3 )


An Older Daddy Superman


Ok maybe Race Bannon from Johnny Quest


I'll add Race for now. Havent thought about him in a while. Love me some platinum hair though. :)


There wont be a poll for couples. I will be picking my faves and adding the rest to a list to consult in the future. :) That being said Derek and Peter were runners up in the poll 2 months ago and I was VERY VERY seriously considering them for this month's bonus image already. And Peter Hale makes me woof! >:) Great request and great suggestion. Added. thank you.


How about another Agent Venom piece? I'd love to see him again in your style! 💖


Love it. Classic Agent Venom? Or Agent Anti-Venom like last time? Either way Agent Venom is added


Poe Dameron and Finn from Star Wars!

Jesse R

How about Guzma from Pokemon Sun/Moon for the poll and for the request Guzma/Professor Kukui from Sun/Moon.

Mike Smith

I'm sticking with Dean Winchester this month. Maybe in the style of a pin-up on the hood of the Impala?


Oh, I'm just now realizing I can also suggest a solo character: Lucifer, from the TV show Lucifer!


Yes. Which reminds me i have a new supenatural to watch today. wheeeeee. added

Thomas Polk

Salem, son of Wolverine, please!


I assume you mean Daken and it was autocorrected. But correct me if i am wrong. Added.


Goro or Kano from Mortal Kombat! Either one of would be cool as they are both so HOT!

Thomas Polk

You are so correct, Blitz. I really consider autoincorrect extremely annoying! Thank you for checking with me.


Make that a second vote for Agent Venom (preferably Flash's original look)!


Mirio Togata (Lemillion) as a solo drawing. Enji Todoroki (Endeavor) and Toshinori Yagi (All-Might) as a couple.

John stain

Bolin - The legend of Korra


Interest is noted and appreciated. Its good to know. Thanks. ive add a x2 to the suggestions so i dont forget


I finished season 1 and i've only gotten to Allmights so far. Will be interested in leaning more about the others. All of them have been added to the list of course


Captain Hook from Once Upon a Time (for solo) and Nick Ramos and Dylan Fuentes from Dead Rising 3 (for Couple) <3