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TLDR:  Monster Mash-Up theme this month. Download last year’s October 2018 Patreon Pack from a link below and help me test my new iCloud links. I’m making some changes to how I do things but functionally most things remain the same but with more structure.

October 2019:

This month’s art theme will be Monster Mash-Ups. 

Other than a play on words Monster Mash-Ups at it’s core is the fusing of two types of characters together and designing something similar but new.  In this case we will be taking pop culture characters and combining them with various monsters such as Vampires, Werewolves, Witches, Aliens etc. I may dress one character up in a costume or I might take a popular character and reimagine him in the role of a famous monster or I might fully fuse the two together to create something new.

For example; Spider-man + Dracula  = ???,  The Powerpuff Girls + The Sanderson Sisters + Genderbend = ???, Cloud Strife + The Headless Horseman = ???

The ??? is what will be fun to figure out. After I finish posting this I will be putting up the new suggestions thread and in it you will be able to suggest pop culture characters AND monsters for me to put to a vote, and possibly to steal ideas from.

First Pic of the month:

As an example of how Monster Mash-ups will work I will let you know what I am working on first.

The Frankenstein’s Monster Style Mash-Up

Dr. Howard Stark and Captain America mashed up with...

Frank N Furter and Rocky form the Rocky Horror Picture show.

‘In just seven days I can make you a man’. 

Playing with the idea of Frank and Dr. Erskine creating Rocky and Captain America I got really inspired.  As much as I love Stanley Tucci’s Dr. Erskine I felt substituting him for Dominic Cooper’s Dr. Howard Stark [who was also present and partially responsible for Cap’s creation] was a stronger concept. And before you ask...YES I am drawing Cap with/without the gold undies. YES I am going to be working on a parallel of an iconic Rocky Horror moment. YES this means I will be drawing Howard as Frank N Furter in the getup but with a moustache, but this is really a Captain America pic first and foremost. 

Hopefully this will give you an idea of what this month will be like. I hope you like the basic idea as much as I do. If you have ideas, suggestions or notes please save them for the Suggestions Post.

Policy Changes this month:

Last month was a rough patch for me. While I didn’t speak about it online my BF and I were attacked during the day while we sat on a park bench by a homeless man. The attack was largely verbal but I suffer from anxiety, agoraphobia and PTSD and this event caused me to retreat into myself at the start of last month. It was a temporary but rough setback but I am fine now. 

Unfortunately some other things also happened here and in the form of DMs and comments on several of my social media accounts. I do not feel like I handled every situation in the best way, especially as I was not in the right headspace. So I am making some changes to how I approach things so that this does not happen again.

Functionally most things stay the same, I am just streamlining the structure of it to make it more efficient and easier on myself, while hopefully removing any further misunderstandings.

1) In addition to Doc Wottsit I do one illustration a week, with a max of 4 a month. From now I take any ‘fifth week’ that occurs in a month off to rest. There is such a week at the end of October. I will be taking it off to go visit a friend.

2) I will once again be posting the end of month pack links directly to the Patreon Feed in tier access posts, were they will be remain active for one month. Sending them by message was a terrible idea for various reasons I won’t go into, and I always fear someone new will sign up a minute after and miss the link or something. It became work to keep on top of this so into the trash it goes.

3) For various reasons I have begun moving my links from Dropbox to iCloud. It would be very helpful if any of you could help me by downloading October 2018’s Patreon Pack from the following link and letting me know in the comments below if it worked or if it gave you trouble. I would like to have all the kinks worked out before the end of the month packs are due.

Last October’s Pack Link: https://www.icloud.com/iclouddrive/0wwZ6uPalrCKCNPEP6yQ6hCOw#October_2018

4) I will be adding a new structure to how I do image sets to avoid the mistakes I made last month. Image sets will now always feature the winning character(s) from the monthly poll and will have a max of 5 versions. SFW, NSFW, mid sexy stuff , cum shot and post sexy stuff will be the standard formula I use for image sets from now on. The SFW version will be posted on social media, the NSFW will be available to all Silver and Gold patrons. The final three versions [Midsex, Cumshot and Postsex] will be available to Platinum patrons only. 

5) Superhero costumes from movies and games are much harder to draw than the usual costumes or street clothes. For this reason the platinum image set is the only time I will do a full costume from now on. The other 3 illustrations out of the month will have sexy versions of the costumes instead. This of course only affects the free for everyone SFW images. 

6) I can’t always reply to every comment, question and DM on all my social media accounts though I do try. Sometimes I’m too anxious on that day, other times I’m too busy. Recently 4 very friendly and lovely people were trying to hold down instant message based conversations with me on 3 different sites, while I was trying to work. I try to mention this sometimes and politely excuse myself but not everyone is understanding and some take it personally. It  can sometimes be difficult for me to navigate interactions like this. So I’m very sorry if I don’t get back to you on a comment or question immediately or at all. It is not in anyway personal. 

I apologise for the text wall, I realise most of you don’t care and just want me to be happy and do what I please. Personally I just feel better when I am being upfront about how I am feeling. To me honesty is a form of respect and a way that I show gratitude.

xoxo Blitz



Conor Young

*hugs* I'm so sorry to hear that last month was so rough on you, I hope you and your bf are doing okay after everything ❀

Jesse R

The download worked pretty well to my iCloud!


I’m fine now. It took a few weeks and my BF was upset to see me relapse a bit as I have been doing very well lately. I have bounced back and he is fine. Thank you so much for asking. It’s not my intent to worry anyone I just wanted to explain why I wasn’t quite myself recently.


The iCloud link worked and I'm glad you're doing better! :)

Matthew Simensen

I'm glad you'r taking the time to take care of yourself. I want you around creatingyour art for a good long time! <3

Matthew Simensen

Also - it took a while, but the iCloud dowload was seamless.

Mike Smith

Link works great. Take care of yourself, man. Sending love.

Thomas Polk

The download was slower than others but came through. Also, I looked up the free file that was corrupted that you gave us earlier this year. It was titled 'Free Sample Pack - August 2018'.


I somehow missed this comment. I’m Hank you for checking for me. Appreciated


Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate it. I’m out of the house at the moment but when I get back I will check if the pack was bigger than normal or if there is another issue. As for the corrupted pack I do remember your message about it last year. A lot has happened since then and when I am home I will check to see what I can do.