He-man Platinum (Patreon)
Important Update:
Bort brought to my attention that while the four Original Size He-man pics were the right size, dpi and format that they were much smaller than they ought to be. I am experiencing an export glitch at the moment due to my being part of a Beta. I thought I had caught all the problems. Thank you Bort for making me aware, I appreciate it so much. I managed to find a workaround for now, and I know what to look for for next time. Sorry for the inconvenience but if you would like the OS versions you should redownload them from the pack links. My apologies. Xoxo Blitz
The Original Sizes of the pictures above can be found in this month’s pack in the link below.
Platinum Pack:
Note: The Gumroad Discount code found in the Pack is only valid until September first.