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TLDR: This week I worked on Worldbuilding and Sketching/Inking one of my Pages.

Note: This week in Illustrations I will be drawing He-Man. Starts Thursday. Should be ready Saturday. 

This week was interesting. I spent Monday doing some more worldbuilding (Naming Doc’s version of Instagram/Onlyfans, creating slang terms, researching and developing a take on String Theory that Doc and his people use to travel what we call the Multiverse, coming up with some basic rules for this kind of travel, naming it all etc etc). I’d love to share it all now but I don’t want to spoil the story.

Today I was working on sketching and inking pages 1-1 and 1-2. I started work on page 1-2 rather than the 1-1 as it was just more interesting. And no this isn’t the final design for Doc. Doc hasn’t been himself for a few months at the time period the Prologue is set in. His beard is shorter than he usually has it and his hair is longer and unkempt. As the story progresses he will start to look more like himself. 

This is not the first time I have worked on a comic panel but it is the first time I worked on a panel of my own story, with my own character. I took something that grew in my brain and spurted it out onto a panel as part of a story. Sure it’s early days, in a test comic phase, but I couldn’t be happier. It’s all I ever wanted to do but I was so scared that I would fail that I didn’t even try. After today I really feel like I could be good at this. With practice. 



Conor Young

Idk if I've said this before but I fucking adore that pladger 😂😂😂


In that case please enjoy the following fun fact. Brussel Sprouts do no grow on Loginue, the Pladger’s home world. One guest made the mistake of bringing them there and it was quickly learned that Pladger’s are absolutely obsessed with them. A pladger will go to incredible lengths to obtain a Brussels sprout. In spite of the fact that they make them sleepy and excessively flatulent. They become so tired in fact that they will seek to be carried by anyone nearby. A desire that is usually ignored due to the sounds and smells emanating from the poor creature.