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Last week my Platinum Patrons, voted on a poll based on a few different colour schemes and styles for Doc. I found the results really informative. Looking at the three top options, some choice comments and my own feelings about it I changed the visual narrative for Doc that I had rattling around my head. Which was not easy I can tell you.

I set out to find a real life muse to inspire his creation (blessed by the internet age). And I was not disappointed.

My task this week was to observe, research and sketch my muse until I got a feel for the new look Doc in my mind. When I was ready I took it one step further and did a sketch that quickly blew up into colour studies etc.

While I haven’t had a chance to fully design it yet I have also decided that Doc’s logo will be a Magnifying glass inside a question mark. I’ll be keeping the shape of it minimal, and he may or may not have it as a tattoo on one of his arms. He has a brand to promote after all.

In terms of story I put it on hold until next week. I have decided to do a 2 or 3 page nsfw ‘prologue’ comic first. No real story elements, just Doc and Doofer behind the scenes and some onlyfans style content. This is largely so I can get a feel for the character and the process. I hope this lets me see any problems before they arise when I begin work on his first adventure.

Speaking of his first adventure Platinum Patrons are voting right now on what it will be. I provided 3 options out of the 7 that I have roughed out plots. All three have varying degrees of NSFW and story elements. Here are the options they will be choosing between;

1. Arcadia - A grim and dark toned option

Doc travels to a world that closely resembles Victorian London where a Jack the Ripper style character is on the rampage and playing a dangerous game of cat and mouse with a Sherlock Holmes style detective. Doc arrives and chaos ensues as he becomes enamoured with a handsome doctor.

2. Ankhrux - A sci-fi and action themed option

In a reality where Egypt conquered the world with the help of their Godking and his Wordbringers, Doc arrives on a sponsored vacation. Things quickly get out of hand after a less than desirable audience with the Godking.

3. Iota - A quirky and light toned option

Doc has arrived in the world of Iota to make first contact with it’s inhabitants. The Iotians are a race whose technological knowledge is rapidly evolving due to an unusual genetic quirk. Once they reach adulthood Iotians learn all they can through sexually transmitted information. In a culture without a need for education, Doc is learning fast.

I picked these options out of the as they each have vastly different tones, settings and narrative purposes for Doc.

Special Note:

Working on Doc the last 2 days has been wonderful. It’s been so nice to spend the time really thinking about a character, drawing what i like with no deadlines or dedicated sense of purpose. I just let things flow and see what happens. Being able to do this means the world to be. So even though I say it all the time; Thank you.

xoxo Blitz
