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TLDR: Here is a character from a story I didn't finish that my BF requested.

A few years ago I was working on a free gay webcomic called Phenom Verse, that I was using to help me deal with my own personal trauma and make sense of it. At the time my BF was newly into Pup Play etc and was meeting other pups at events. I was also trying to make sense of that at the time. 

The plot was about an agoraphobic young man who had some unspeakable things happen to him that lead to him never leaving his house, and suffering from sever anxiety and ptsd. Eventually he started to use deception, drones, illusions, photoshop and digital manipulation to convince the world that a superhero named Hellhound/ Watchdog/ Nightstray/ Cerberus  existed. When it was really just him using hacking and a himbo in a suit proxy to act for him.  Until things start to go wrong. People turned up dead and he increasingly begins to feel like someone is trying to lure him out of hiding. 

I was going to write a story where he eventually puts on the suit himself and tries to deal with the situation head on, and learn what it really means to be a hero, and finding it has nothing to do with a costume or a codename. 

In this story the fake superhero was less important so I thought it would make my BF happy if I created a dog based superhero similar to Nightwing (one of his favourites) and Daredevil. There is a shocking lack of Canine based heroes if you stop to think about it. I also thought it would be fun to use a sort of stylised pup hood as well. He really loved it.

Then Jessica Cruz became a Green Lantern in 2016, and she was suffering from similar issues. In Green Lanterns it told the story of her struggle to be a hero and manage her anxiety and triggers, and I no longer felt I 'needed' to tell the story anymore, as it was unfolding in DC comics. Also I was moving and losing a lot of my furniture and my office and didn't feel i could commit to a weekly schedule anymore. I wont take on a project if I'm not completely sure I could handle it.  So I moved on from the idea and eventually started doing a Patreon instead. 

To my surprise when I was letting my boyfriend select this month's character he specifically requested HellHound, along with Rex Dangervest and Connor Kent. And here we are.




Daww....you're the best boyfriend ever