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Well, you know how just earlier today I was going on about how Julian is holding things up?


I feel this always happens. Something can take months and months, and whenever I sit down and tell people sorry that's it taking too long or this or that just doesn't want to get finished, all of a sudden the thing gets finished on the same day and I have to do what I'm doing now. Weird double posting on one day. :D

But if it always works... Let's try something. Ohno, Conway takes waaaaay too long, whatever will I do? The whole game should have been done by now already~

But yes, Julian v2 is done! Not entirely done, I still need to go through the sunshine lighting and also the expressions, but that is a task for tomorrow.

For now, I'm just happy to be able to give you the updated version of Julian!
He probably had the sprite I most disliked, and hell, even had that slight adjustment for a v 1.5 where I added some detail to the jacket.
But I actually draw scalies quite rarely and the original version of him just looked...awkward.
Mind you, I wanted him to have some degree of awkwardness, being the youngest of the cast, and just generally a more playful character. Him having that kind of ducked-away stance in the original. A little bit of a hunched back and so on.
But it just didn't quite work how I wanted it to...

So he pretty much needed a complete rework. Using the parts I liked from the original one to cut some corners.
His pose is more confident now, more in line with what the character just developed into over time as I got more familiar with him.  A touch more skater/surfer guy rather than awkward first-year-in-college.

Same for his clothing, the original one felt really awkward, and again some of that was planned with him still being young and experimenting, but it just was awkward in a way that didn't work, so I went a different way.
I got rid of the puffy arms because, honestly, they weren't period-accurate in a way that kind of stood out, especially for a young character that you would think would be more modern-thinking rather than looking back to fashion from centuries ago. But ended up keeping some degree of the aesthetics for it with the shoulder bits. (Plus to help break up the big green shape of his jacket.)
Also, overall just pushed a little bit of the fancy side of him. His family is well off after all, so just bringing him a bit more in line with that.

And the head has gotten a big refinement as well. Just more confident shapes, more interesting lines, and colors while trying to keep his head pretty close to the armadillo lizard he is based on.

So, yeah, probably the biggest rework of them, and I'm finally quite happy with him! I hope you all are as well :)

(Also just noticed i missed the darker stripes on one arm, so all good, don't have to point it out.)



Kira Noot

Came out the other side, richer, more confident, and taller. Very nice. Even has nice shoulder frills that fit his aesthetic.


Yeah, he's certainly someone who made it out the other end with nothing but positives! Always good to have the Kira label of approval for scalies :D


Armadillo lizards are among the best lizards!