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And we got another minor character done. Cook, and provider of asparagus, Bandile!

He was quite a toughie to design here tbh, the initial sketch still stems from the time when i wasn't sure just quite how fantasy-esque I might push the characters and Bandile ended up looking very goth, with a sort of turtleneck and everything.
The pose also felt a little boring as well and so it was a case of changing pretty much everything about the character, from pose to outfit, while still trying to keep the goth-ness that I actually quite liked about the initial design.

It's certainly less goth than before, which I think is just unavoidable some of the changes being made, but I don't think it necessarily works against it given how upbeat of a character he actually is.

Don't mind the grime on the apron, just like Raj, neither he nor anyone else on the ship knows about the germ theory of disease yet, so they're just happily being grimy goblins. THEY'RE TRYING THEIR BEST, OKAY?! Besides, it's a ship in the 18th century, everything's grimy.




Why are you hiding his face? Makes me even more curious